I've been labelled an "early adopter" - I've often had and used technologies before most people - motivated by the fear of being the last, so why not be first? I work hard - with only the advice of Victor far away in Dubai - to stay on top of tools and technologies. But I have to say - it is really hard and often I am driven to absolute distraction by forced updates and upgrades - FORCED because you get half way through an updating process and realize you need to also upgrade at substantial cost and/or inconvenience. Two examples from this weekend alone:
MobileMe - some cloud computing service from Apple - demanded that I update my method of payment - new country, new credit card. So in the process, I found I was expected to add new apps and spent time doing that on my Macbook Pro so that I could make the necessary changes on my iPod. THEN I learned that all I had done was only valid on an iPod 4 and mine is a 3. Get the picture? This morning I had another demanding email from MobileMe. Jeez....
Then I decided to buy some music from Amazon. First I updated my account - new country, new credit card. Then I found the music I wanted and, with one click, ordered an MP3 download. Now remember, I've been in Saudi Arabia where there is no music, no art or drama, no theatre or laughter, no fun of any kind. Here in Malaysia, there is an abundance of all those things. But guess what? MP3 downloads are only available to people in the US. So now I wait for a CD to be mailed? Are they NUTS????
I cannot, at this point, even contemplate setting up my Sony eBook reader, or my Skype phone, or my Youtube camera. We technology users are the victims of the stupidly brutish business of consumer electronics. This really impacts on what and where universities, e.g., should invest in technology. Anybody listening out there?
MobileMe - some cloud computing service from Apple - demanded that I update my method of payment - new country, new credit card. So in the process, I found I was expected to add new apps and spent time doing that on my Macbook Pro so that I could make the necessary changes on my iPod. THEN I learned that all I had done was only valid on an iPod 4 and mine is a 3. Get the picture? This morning I had another demanding email from MobileMe. Jeez....
Then I decided to buy some music from Amazon. First I updated my account - new country, new credit card. Then I found the music I wanted and, with one click, ordered an MP3 download. Now remember, I've been in Saudi Arabia where there is no music, no art or drama, no theatre or laughter, no fun of any kind. Here in Malaysia, there is an abundance of all those things. But guess what? MP3 downloads are only available to people in the US. So now I wait for a CD to be mailed? Are they NUTS????
I cannot, at this point, even contemplate setting up my Sony eBook reader, or my Skype phone, or my Youtube camera. We technology users are the victims of the stupidly brutish business of consumer electronics. This really impacts on what and where universities, e.g., should invest in technology. Anybody listening out there?