You can't help but notice the vast and varied ePetitions in your inbox or twitter feed or facebook. Every day someone asks you to sign a petition and help change the world. And it works.
My favorite is 32 million members worldwide. An amazingly successful venture, "we" who have signed petitions have helped end the spread of the evil Monsanto machine, change rape punishment laws in Nigeria, the list of achievements is really impressive. Anyone can start a petition, but there is a requirement to provide accurate and sensible background information about the problem and the solution. And that is vitally important. ePetitions can be misused, misleading and downright dangerous. Hence, Avaaz makes a commitment to accuracy.
Signing the petition isn't the whole story. Individuals and agencies need to take the petitions to those who can make a difference. They are typically part of an intensive lobbying campaign. Petitions need to be aimed at someone or something that can change its behaviour. We petition the courts to change laws, corporations to change practices, governments to change policies, leaders to notice and talk about serious issues.