I think the ePortfolio is like a magic pill for transforming learning systems - a process and a product that can frame a new approach to the management of learning.
Here I will just share access to a list of some FuturEd papers and presentations. As a futurist, I can say that some of these concepts have been systematically implemented, but few see the big picture which is: ePortfolio is a tool to create and manage our digital identity.
ePortfolio Introduction - FuturEd
History of ePortfolio in Canada
ePortfolio Quality Standards Project
ePortfolio Quality Standards 2004
ePortfolio for Assessment of Learning
eFaculty Competencies Barker 05 October 07
ePortfolio for Quality Assurance in Education Systems
ePortfolio for Trust Transparency Transportability
ePortfolio for eLearning Quality Assurance
ePortfolio Beyond the Classroom
ePortfolio and Digital Identity - eCitizenship
ePortfolio for Managing Learning in the Workplace
ePortfolio Success Stories - Wisdom for Trainers
Barker ePortfolios for Adults in Transition
ePortfolio for Human Capital Management
ePortfolio and HRD Policy Goals
ePortfolio to Recognize Culture and Heritage
ePortfolio to Connect Skilled Immigrants and Employers
eP for Skilled Immigrants and Employers - LIfIA
ePortfolio for Community Economic Development
As momentum grows, ePortfolio can be used to transform the recognition learning across cultures and lifetimes. The wave is building.